
How to write a resume and self-introduction

A resume and a letter of self-introduction are essential documents for job hunting. First, try writing one using the writing style below as a reference. Career Center also provides individual editing services.

Points to remember when filling out the form

First, make a rough sketch in pencil.
The final copy should be written carefully in regular script and Arabic numerals using black ink (a black fountain pen or ballpoint pen).
Write in appropriate size, thick, dark and clear ink.
If you make a mistake, rewrite it without using correction fluid.
Please make sure there are no blank spaces in the entry fields. If there are too many blank spaces, points will be deducted.
Effective Expressions The space provided for writing your self-introduction is small, so it is important to focus on what you want to convey and summarize it concisely.
The three most important points are: "Focus on your personality strengths," "What you focused on most during your student days," and "Reasons for applying."
This is a question that is often asked on application forms and in interviews. Be sure to include unique anecdotes and stories that make you unique.

To "sell" yourself
Don't forget about documents!

Effective expression

The space given for writing your self-introduction is small, so it's important to focus on what you want to communicate and summarize it concisely.

Check again before submitting!

● Is the date written on it?
● Is the photo in danger of coming off?
● Are there any missing information?
● Are there any typos, omissions, or phonetic spelling mistakes?
● Are there any sentences that are unclear?
● Did you make a copy?
● Is the company name on the envelope accurate?