資料請求はコチラ お問い合わせはコチラ

Faculty of Business Management Department of Business Management

Become a leader in your organization

acquire business skills


  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Accountant course
  • Bookkeeping/Accounting
  • organizational management
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur
  • Management strategy
  • fashion business
  • data analysis
  • venture
  • entrepreneur

Organizational management management skills and

acquire high leadership skills

Challenge yourself to obtain business qualifications

Understand the structure of a company made up of multiple departments and organizations, and acquire business skills that can be used in the field. Students will acquire knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting, information gathering and analysis skills that make full use of IT, and aim to acquire various business qualifications.


  • 01

    Various management related matters
    Support for obtaining certifications and qualifications

    We support the acquisition of certifications such as bookkeeping, business accounting, and management, as well as official qualifications such as financial planner.

  • 02

    Participating in seminars from the first year
    Fostering awareness of social issues

    You will develop the ability to discover and solve problems from a variety of economic and business themes, and hone your presentation skills through presentations.

  • 03

    Looking ahead to job hunting
    Full of career-related subjects

    We have a wide range of courses that are useful for your career, such as career courses and internships. We also offer lectures on SPI preparation in preparation for job hunting.


  • Business administration course

    Students assemble classes and create timetables based on four study models: ``Management Strategy,'' ``Management Organization,'' ``Accounting,'' and ``Regional Creation.'' You can pursue what you want to learn.

  • Accounting specialist course

    Based on the curriculum of the business administration course, we have established a unique learning system for bookkeeping and accounting. We support students who aim to obtain accounting professions or accounting qualifications.

  • fashion business course

    Study the basics of business administration and fashion business at the same time. We will systematically learn everything from material selection to distribution and consumption, and develop human resources who can play an active role in the fashion industry.


  • Nanadeshiko Kitagawa


    The tax knowledge you have learned will be useful
    Realize your first step as a member of society.

    In the first year, I acquired basic knowledge of management and accounting, and in the second year, I took specialized subjects including law. What was particularly impressive was that I was able to apply the income tax law lessons to real life. When I turned 20 and needed to complete the procedures for the national pension and final tax return, I was able to calmly handle the process and was able to take the first step toward independence. Currently, I am focusing on studying corporate accounting, and also find it rewarding to write reports for seminars. In the future, I would like to continue to improve my professionalism with accounting as my core and obtain national qualifications.

  • ?Kanade Miyata


    Learn what you like by yourself
    Independence was fostered.

    The best part of university is being able to learn on your own, by choosing classes in areas that interest you and researching topics you want to delve into in seminars. I took a wide range of subjects such as business administration, accounting, bookkeeping, organizational behavior theory, and international accounting theory, and when I had trouble studying, I consulted the learning support center. Career Center will provide detailed support during your job search. As I spent my university life taking advantage of these extensive support systems, I naturally acquired the attitude of taking initiative.


  • 1st year

    Acquisition of basic skills

    While learning the basics of management and accounting
    Experience a presentation at an introductory seminar

  • 2nd year

    Professional basic skills/career skills training

    Basic seminar and
    Lectures for career development begin

  • 3rd year

    Developing specialized, applied, and practical skills

    More specialized specialized seminars and internships
    Improve your specialized, applied, and practical skills through

  • 4th year

    Cultivating and acquiring comprehensive skills

    Knowledge of management, accounting, etc. acquired
    Use your practical skills to contribute to society!


1st year

Specialized basic subjects Fundamentals of Business Administration/Basics of Accounting
business skills subjects Beginner Bookkeeping A/B/Commercial Bookkeeping A/B/Business Computing/Business Protocol
Management related subjects Marketing Theory/Information Processing Introduction/Application Exercises A and B
Accounting/Law related subjects Industrial bookkeeping A/B
Thematic research subjects Fashion business theory/Special lectures on management A, B, C, D/Special lectures on accounting A, B, C, D/Specific industry research A, B, C, D/
Seminar subjects Introductory seminar

2nd year

business skills subjects Sales management A/B
Career skills subjects Career course A/Career design A
Management related subjects Business management theory/Business strategy theory/Business organization theory/Business finance theory/Corporate theory/Consumer behavior theory/Marketing strategy theory/International management theory/Management science/Business statistics/Programming exercises
Accounting/Law related subjects General accounting theory/Financial accounting theory/International accounting theory/Civil law/Commercial law/Income tax law
Thematic research subjects Travel planning exercise A/B/Domestic travel practice A/B
Seminar subjects Research seminar 1

3rd year

Career skills subjects Career Course B/Career Design B/Internship
Management related subjects Human resource management theory / Organizational behavior theory / Non-profit organization management / Product planning theory / E-commerce theory / Financial management theory / Management information theory / Data analysis / Market research
Accounting/Law related subjects Management accounting theory/auditing theory/computer accounting/corporate law/consumption tax law/corporate tax law
Thematic research subjects Regional industry theory/town revitalization and tourism
Seminar subjects Research seminar 2

4th year

Seminar subjects Graduation thesis seminar


  • Accounting specialist course

    Passing a certification exam is not the goal of studying accounting at university. Just as the essence of accounting is ``explanation'', in the seminar we train students to explain things well to others through group work and presentations, while honing the skills necessary for businesspeople.

  • Tsuchiya seminar

    The goal of this seminar is to understand the behavior of people in organizations, predict the future, and be able to demonstrate with evidence what can be done to guide people toward desired behavior. To this end, we study organizational behavior theory literature and data analysis, and work on group presentations at joint seminars.


Private enterprises

青山商事㈱/ 旭食品㈱/ ㈱朝日新聞社大阪本社/ ㈱阿波銀行/ イオンリテール㈱/ 岩井コスモ証券㈱/ ㈱NTTデータ/ ENEOSグローブエナジー㈱/ ㈱愛媛銀行/ 大阪シティ信用金庫/ 大阪信用金庫/ ㈱オリエントコーポレーション/ ㈱香川銀行/ ㈱上組/ 関電ファシリティーズ㈱/ ㈱かんぽ生命保険/ 北おおさか信用金庫/ 京都信用金庫/ 近畿産業信用組合/ 近畿日本鉄道㈱/ キーコーヒー㈱/ クリナップ㈱/ 京阪電鉄不動産販売㈱/ ㈱神戸屋/ 独立行政法人高齢?障害?求職者雇用支援機構/ ㈱佐賀銀行/ ㈱JTBグローバルマーケティング&トラベル/ スズキ㈱/ 住友不動産販売㈱/ 積水ハウス不動産関西㈱/ 大和ハウス工業㈱/ 東洋シャッター㈱/ 東レ?メディカル㈱/ ㈱徳島大正銀行/ 鳥取県信用農業協同組合連合会(JAバンク鳥取)/ トランスコスモス㈱/ 内藤証券㈱/ ニコニコのり㈱/ 西日本旅客鉄道㈱(JR西日本)/ ㈱ニトリ/ 日本製鉄㈱/ 日本郵便㈱/ 東日本旅客鉄道㈱(JR東日本)/ パナソニックマーケティングジャパン㈱/ パナソニックホームズ㈱/ 阪和興業㈱/ 日立物流グループ㈱/ フジパングループ本社㈱/ 本田技研工業㈱/ 三井住友トラスト不動産㈱/ 三菱電機住環境システムズ㈱/ 三菱ふそうトラック㈱/ 山崎製パン㈱/ ㈱ユナイテッドアローズ/ ㈱ライフコーポレーション/ リコージャパン㈱/ リゾートトラスト㈱/ ㈱ワールドコーポレーション/ YKK AP㈱/ 和歌山県信用農業協同組合連合会(JAバンク和歌山)

public sector

法務省/ 国土交通省/ 防衛省/ 警視庁/ 三重県警/ 京都府警/ 大阪府警/ 和歌山県警/ 出雲市消防本部/ 大垣消防組合/ 長岡京市役所

Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School

神戸大学大学院/ 和歌山大学大学院/ 千葉商科大学大学院/ 大阪産業大学大学院/ 関西学院大学会計専門職大学院/ 関西大学大学院/ 関西大学会計専門職大学院/ 立命館大学大学院


National qualification

  • Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation

    • High school teaching license type 1 (commerce) *1

    *1 It is necessary to acquire the specified subject credits in the teacher training course.

  • Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation

    • certified public accountant
    • tax accountant
    • Small and Medium Enterprise Consultant
    • Financial Planning Technician (FP Technician)
    • Basic information engineer examination
    • IT passport exam
    • Travel business handling manager
    • Social insurance labor consultant *2
    • Real estate transaction specialist

    *2 You must earn at least 62 credits required for graduation requirements.

Public/private qualifications

  • Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation

    • Bookkeeping test
    • business accounting test
    • Business Administration Examination (Management Examination)
    • Retail Marketing (Salesperson) Certification
    • Secretary skill test
    • Microsoft? Office Specialist (Word/Excel)
    • Color test
    • Fashion business ability test


  • Educational and research objectives

    Based on the university's founding spirit of ``great ordinary people,'' Department of Business Management aims to cultivate human resources who can contribute to collaborative activities among people through various social situations and roles.
    1. Personnel with basic knowledge of organizational management and strategic activities.
    2. Human resources who can appropriately record, measure, and analyze management activities.
    3. Human resources with a wide range of knowledge in various industrial fields.

  • Educational goals/
    three policies