
Faculty of Business Management Department of Commercial Sciences

Opening up the next generation of business

Aiming to become a business leader


  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • business leader
  • What is the mechanism for selling?
  • investment business
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information
  • Web marketing
  • data analysis
  • Product planning
  • presentation
  • People, goods, money, information

Focusing on the relationship between companies and consumers

Understand the social system broadly

create new business

Gain knowledge of global business through a wide range of studies, including marketing, IT business, and logistics, with an eye to overseas markets. Develop the ability to read consumer needs and create new business.


  • 01

    You can choose according to your career path.
    Four study models available

    We offer four study models that you can choose from depending on your future goals. From the second year onwards, students will study each model intensively or cross-sectionally to develop their practical skills.

  • 02

    Participated in seminars from the first year
    Enhance your business skills

    In small group seminars, students strengthen their debate and presentation skills. Learn from real-life examples and develop an eye for sensitively understanding social trends.

  • 03

    Directly linked to qualification acquisition
    Offering a wide variety of subjects

    We support the acquisition of business qualifications as part of the course. The lecture format also provides thorough exam preparation. After completion, credits will be recognized.


  • Commerce course

    In the Commerce course, students gain a broad understanding of the structure of society, focusing on the relationships between companies and stakeholders such as consumers, rival companies, and business partners, and learn about the flow and management of people, goods, money, and information. Learn about. We aim to become business people who can respond well to changes in the market environment, reliably seize business opportunities, and take action. In the first year, you will develop basic skills related to commerce, and in the second to fourth years, you will pursue specialization in line with your future goals and career path. A feature of the Commerce course is that all study models support the acquisition of qualifications such as retail marketing (salesperson) certification and bookkeeping certification.

    Pick UP! 4 study models

    This course has four study models.

    ① "Management/Information System Model" to learn about the use of information and information technology in business

    ② “Product development, advertising, and sales model” to learn about marketing that creates a system for sales

    ③ "Logistics and transportation model" to learn about the flow of people and goods, trade and supply chains both domestically and internationally

    ④ "Finance/Accounting Model" where you can learn everything from daily bookkeeping to fund procurement and operation, focusing on the flow of money that is essential for corporate management.

  • Sports career course

    In the Sports Career Course (SCC), you will learn about sports and business in a cross-disciplinary manner. We aim to become business people who can be active not only in the sports business world, but also in various industries by making use of our abundant sports mind. This course includes a variety of SCC special subjects such as physiology, nutrition, psychology, instruction theory, business theory, and management theory, in addition to a variety of subjects from the Commerce course that spans four models. SCC's special features include exclusive seminars starting from the first year, as well as practical training and training that allows students to experience sports business at the forefront.


  • Minami Kawabe


    It led to confidence
    Clafan project.

    In order to cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary to become a hotel concierge, which is my dream, I learned deeply about accommodation services through the "Product Development, Advertising, and Sales" course model. As part of the crowdfunding project at the seminar, it was decided that the leather key case ``Strucky'' that I had devised would be commercialized. In addition to product planning skills, I also developed leadership skills through team management experience in promotional activities. I would like to fully utilize the theoretical and practical learning I have learned in this department in my career after graduation.


  • 1st year

    Basic skills development

    Start with introductory exercises,
    Sharpen your commercial sense

  • 2nd year

    Applied skill development

    Based on four study models
    Pursue specialization in a field of interest

  • 3rd year

    Practical skill development

    Further deepen your expertise,
    Responding to globalization and IT

  • 4th year

    Comprehensive skill development

    For exercises and company/industry research
    Work on your graduation thesis


1st year

Specialized basic subjects General Theory of Commerce A, B / General Theory of Business Administration A, B / General Theory of Economics A, B / Bookkeeping A, B / Service Industry Theory A, B / Introduction to IT Business
Qualification support subjects Sales Promotion A/B/Financial Planning A/B/Commercial Bookkeeping A/B/Industrial Bookkeeping A/B/Trade Business/Management Information Systems/Business Computing A/B/Introduction to Foreign History
Exercise subjects Introductory exercises A and B
General Commerce subjects special lecture
Sports career course special subjects Anatomy/Physiology/Sports Physiology

2nd year

Qualification support subjects Introduction to Political Science / Introduction to Japanese History / Introduction to Geography / Topography
Distribution/Marketing subjects Marketing Theory A/B, Japanese Commercial History A/B, Distribution System Theory A/B
IT business subjects Information processing theory/Programming theory A/B/Business data processing
Logistics/Transportation subjects Logistics theory/International logistics theory/Transportation economics theory/Tourism theory
Finance/accounting subjects Finance Theory A/B/Global Finance Theory A/B/Accounting
Management/Economics/Law Subjects Business Management Theory/Venture Business Theory/Global Business Theory A/B/Japanese Business History/Japanese Economic History/Civil Law
foreign language Business English A/B
Exercise subjects Exercise basics
General Commerce subjects General Commerce Course
Sports Career Course Special Subjects Sports Biomechanics 1 / Sports Nutrition / Kinesiology / Sports Medicine (Internal Medicine) / Sports Medicine (Surgery) / Adapted Sports Theory / Sports Psychology / Sports Biomechanics 2 / Science of Training / Sports Care Specifics / Sports Sociology / Psychology of exercise guidance

3rd year

Qualification support subjects Introduction to Oriental History / Introduction to Philosophy / Introduction to Ethics
Distribution/Marketing subjects Marketing Management Theory A/B/Marketing Strategy Theory/Consumer Behavior Theory/Marketing Research Theory/Product Management Theory A/B
IT business subjects E-commerce theory, IT business planning theory, information management theory, management information theory, business data analysis
Logistics/Transportation subjects Logistics theory, supply chain management theory, land transportation theory, air transportation theory A/B
Finance/accounting subjects Financial statement theory/management accounting theory
Management/Economics/Law Subjects Management and Finance Theory / International Management Theory A and B / Media Business Theory A and B / Business Economics A and B / Public Finance / Local Finance Theory / Commercial Law / International Law
foreign language business chinese
Exercise subjects Specialized exercises A and B
General Commerce subjects internship
Sports Career Course Special Subjects Sports instruction theory / Conditioning theory / Public health / Sports business theory / Sports management theory / Environmental health / Health exercise program theory

4th year

Exercise subjects graduation research
General Commerce subjects General business course
Sports Career Course Special Subjects Science of improving competitiveness / Lifelong sports theory / Sports culture theory


  • Marketing laboratory
    (Suzuki seminar)

    This laboratory is characterized by industry-academia collaboration, and while discovering and sharing management issues with local companies and organizations, we attempt to solve problems using a student's perspective. Specifically, we will work on product planning that utilizes materials such as leather, metal, and wood, crowdfunding, channel development for long-established tea businesses, and town promotion.

  • Sports Finance Laboratory (Nagata Seminar)

    This laboratory studies the development and potential of the sports-related industry as a whole from a financial perspective. In particular, we will place more emphasis on front-line trends than on theoretical content, and consider creating new frameworks by removing preconceived notions. While observing domestic and international trends, we will develop the ability to understand the appeal of sports and provide consulting on a wide range of problem-solving skills.


Private enterprises

AIG損害保険㈱/ ㈱一条工務店/ 岩井コスモ証券㈱/ インターコンチネンタルホテル大阪/ SGホールディングスグループ/ NX商事㈱/ ㈱オークワ/ 大阪ガスビジネスクリエイト㈱/ 大阪シティ信用金庫/ 大阪トヨタ自動車㈱/ 大阪信用金庫/ ㈱大塚商会/ ㈱関西みらい銀行/ 関電サービス㈱/ 近畿日本鉄道㈱/ ㈱クスリのアオキ/ ㈱ケーズデンキ/ コーナン商事㈱/ 山九㈱/ ㈱四国銀行/ 杉本商事㈱/ ㈱スギ薬局/ 住友電気工業㈱/ 税理士法人中央総研/ 積水ハウス不動産関西㈱/ 大樹生命保険㈱/ 大末建設㈱/ ㈱鶴見製作所/ 東海旅客鉄道㈱/ ㈱ドウシシャ/ ㈱トーホー/ 独立行政法人労働者健康安全機構/ 西日本旅客鉄道㈱(JR西日本)/ 日清医療食品㈱/ 日本通運㈱/ ㈱長谷工リアルエステート/ パナソニック環境エンジニアリング㈱/ ㈱阪急オアシス/ 阪急電鉄㈱/ ㈱ファーストリテイリング/ 福山通運㈱/ ほけんの窓口グループ㈱/ ㈱ミキハウス/ 三井金属鉱業㈱/ ヤマト運輸㈱/ 大和信用金庫/ ㈱ライフコーポレーション/ リンナイ㈱/ ㈱ロックフィールド/ 安田倉庫㈱ ほか

public sector

尼崎市消防局/ 大阪府警察本部/ 滋賀県警察本部/ 大東四條畷消防組合/ 東京消防庁/ 東近江市行政組合消防本部/ 兵庫県警察本部/ 防衛省 航空自衛隊 ほか

Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School

大阪産業大学大学院/ 大阪大学大学院/ 関西大学大学院/ 神戸大学大学院/ 富山大学大学院/ 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学/ 立命館大学大学院 ほか


National qualification

  • Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation

    • Junior high school teacher license (social studies) *1
    • High school teacher's license (civil) *1
    • High school teaching license type 1 (commerce) *1

    *1 It is necessary to acquire the specified subject credits in the teacher training course.

  • Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation

    • certified public accountant
    • tax accountant
    • Small and Medium Enterprise Consultant
    • customs broker
    • IT passport exam
    • Financial Planning Technician (FP Technician)
    • Real estate transaction specialist
    • Social insurance labor consultant *2

    *2 You must earn at least 62 credits required for graduation requirements.

Public/private qualifications

  • Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation

    • Retail Marketing (Salesperson) Certification
    • Bookkeeping test
    • Trade practical examination
    • Secretary skill test
    • Nissho PC Certification
    • Microsoft? Office Specialis (tWord/Excel)
    • business statistics specialist
    • statistical test
    • Sports event certification


  • Educational and research objectives

    Department of Commercial Sciences aims to develop human resources who can build and propose optimal distribution systems to optimize economic and social systems by acquiring specialized knowledge, improving their independence and communication skills, and are trusted by society. For research purposes.

  • Educational goals/
    three policies